Thursday, September 24, 2009

Emma, Elton, Christmas and St..Nicholas

I have been reading Emma, yes not finished yet I have had parties to help plan at work and am still nursing a cold; all that considered I have just left the Knightlys, Woodhouses and Mr. Elton in the carriage on their way to Christmas Eve dinner at the Watsons. Emma thinks it is quite odd that Elton is not staying home from the party as her only reason for inviting him was to push him and Harriet closer together and try to cajole him into proposing to Miss Smith. Miss Smith has a terrible cold/flu and has had to beg pardon of the Watsons and even "poor" Miss Woodhouse as she is very unwell and must stay home. After blogging I will again return to Emma.

I have been working on putting the final preparations on my trip, including arranging to see the church connected to the long gone rectory that Jane Austen called home for 25 years; I am quite excited as I have just heard back from its vicar, and I will be able to attend services at St. Nicholas Steventon on my holiday. I am very happy about this. I have, as my countdown clock will attest less than 2 weeks until I leave on holiday [technically my flight leaves in the afternoon, so the clock is simply a countdown until the day].

I also have noted that I have not yet really talked at all of music, and my blog is entitled Travel, Tomes & Tunes. My musical tastes vary; my collection is well stocked in Opera, Jazz, Adult Contemporary and Showtunes; however, this is not to say that I do not sway from this. In addition to the artists you would suppose to find on my mp3 player are: Alice Cooper, Green Day, Elvis Presley, and Band from TV, Elvis Costello, Madonna and Adam Sandler. Additionally, I enjoy as some of my hobbies putting all those years, 6 years, of piano and flute lessons to use as well as 10+ years of choir by both singing and playing for enjoyment. In terms of my holiday I hope to be able to take in a West End show while I am in London or perhaps a concert at Canterbury Cathedral if there is one while I am there.

Well with my tunes acknowledged I am now going to return to my reading to see how the merry group get on at their dinner engagement and to see if Miss Woodhouse will set aside attestations to never marry and succumb to love.

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